The utility model has the advantages of novel structure, high strength, small permanent compression deformation, good elasticity and superior flexibility and is a novel plastic high pressure hose. 该管结构新颖、强度高、永久压缩变形小、弹性好,可挠性优良,适用范围广,是一种新型的塑料高压软管。
The experimental study on modulus of static compression elasticity and poisson ratio of short carbon fiber concrete 短碳纤维混凝土的弹性模量及泊松比性能试验
The proper use of hollow fibers, fine-denier fibers and thermal bonding fibers can make battings have the characteristics of light mass, warmth retention and lasting compression elasticity. 采用中空纤维、细旦涤纶和粘结纤维适当搭配的方式,可以使絮片兼具轻质、保暖和持久压缩弹性。
Compression coefficient and degree of elasticity increased and lag loss decreased significantly after cold shock treatment. 冷激处理显著提高了桃果实贮藏过程中的弹性度和压缩系数,降低了滞后损失;热处理和剂量1.0kGy的辐照处理显著降低了弹性度和压缩系数,增大了滞后损失;
Using compression wave ultrasonic transducers to measure velocity of surface waves and dynamic modulus of elasticity for concrete 用纵波超声换能器测量砼表面波速和动弹性模量
Techniques of Improving the Compression Elasticity of Polyester Hollow Fibers 提高中空涤纶短纤维压缩回弹性生产技术研究
The solution of elasticity theory with different modulus in tension and compression is established based on the solution of elasticity theory for the material incapable in tension and Mindlin's solution; 基于不能承受拉应力材料的弹性理论解和Mindlin解,建立了拉压模量不同材料的弹性理论解;
Investigation of the compression elasticity of single biomacromolecules by atomic force microscopy 基于原子力显微镜技术的单个生物大分子压弹性研究
In the triaxial compression tests, the values of moduli of elasticity and shear were measured before and after dilatancy. 在三轴试验中,测量了剪胀前后弹性模量和剪切模量的变化。
Based on the creep test of uniaxial compression for weak rock, the time dependent behaviours of strength and elasticity modulus of weak rock are discussed in this paper. 根据软岩的单轴压缩蠕变试验,讨论了软岩强度和弹性模量的时间效应问题。
CONCLUSION: ① Titanium net duct can confront shearing stress of the side, reduce compression of axial direction, fit the modulus of elasticity of bone tissue. 结论:①钛网管完全能对抗侧方剪切式应力,减少轴向加压作用,适宜骨组织的弹性模量。
Here we introduced some measurement techniques based on the atomic force microscopy for compression elasticity of single molecules, and demonstrated the concrete applications and the limitations of these techniques. 本文介绍了基于原子力显微镜技术的几种单分子压弹性测量技术及这些技术的具体应用,同时也简要阐述了这些技术的局限性。
Materials show the same elastic property in tension and compression, just as classical elasticity theory thought, is also a simplified result from materials nonlinearity. 经典弹性理论认为的材料在受拉和受压时呈现出相同的弹性性质也是对材料非线性的一种简化结果。